“It’s just part of the game”…For a 16 year old…Not his mother…

“It’s just part of the game”…For a 16 year old…Not his mother…

I really can’t hear that anymore… Yes…I know.  I play hockey every week.  Luckily,  there is no checking in the women’s league.  Well…at least, not intentionally… I don’t really open my mouth that much at my older son’s games.  Shocking.  I know. Have you ever yelled directly into a wall?  That’s what it’s like when you…

John Hancock Let Us Know Who He Was…Why Can’t You, Mr. Anonymous?

John Hancock Let Us Know Who He Was…Why Can’t You, Mr. Anonymous?

Remember memorizing the Declaration of Independence? In a nutshell, the Declaration of Independence was pretty much the Americans telling the Brits to go f**k themselves.  And one guy had the balls to write his name REALLY big.  Yep.  John Hancock.  We’ve all seen it.  Or, at least, we should have seen it in 8th grade US…

I’m Not a Police Officer…I’m Just a Mom

I’m Not a Police Officer…I’m Just a Mom

Have you really opened your eyes?  I mean really opened them.  I guess I haven’t until yesterday on my first police ride along.  In order to do this, you have to fill out a lot of paperwork.  A lot.  Then, a background check is done.  All of this is escalated up the hierarchy chain and the…

Hitting the Bottom of the Bottle, Again

Hitting the Bottom of the Bottle, Again

“This is not how I am, I have become comfortably numb” —“Comfortably Numb,” Pink Floyd— It’s 4a.m., and I’m wide awake just staring at my bedroom walls. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness but my heart races in anticipation of my sheer fear of the unknown that the darkness can bring. How much longer…

Caught in the Middle on a Travel Day from Hell

Caught in the Middle on a Travel Day from Hell

We’ve all had travel days from hell. The days with delays, temperamental people, bad coffee, more delays, and terribly bland food (apparently, salt is on the no fly list). The list goes on and on. Not to mention the joys of TSA. Isn’t that a book? “The Joy of TSA.” Oh wait. It’s “The Joy…