Inner Peace and Calm…Where does it come from?

Inner Peace and Calm…Where does it come from?

Rainbows, of course! Because my brain is in constant motion, it’s hard to sit. It’s hard to sleep. It’s challenging to do be quiet for an hour during yoga. It’s hard to sit at a 3 hour dinner. It’s hard to have the same monotonous conversation with the same people about the same things. I…

Successful Divorce rules
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The 10 Rules for a Successful Divorce (According to my Kids)

Kids just want you both in their life.  Do it.  For them.  Not you.  This picture is our older daughter at her championship basketball game a few years back.  I always wanted a pic with me and both my parents.  Never happened.  They were both selfish f*cks. You decide…IF, and I mean if divorce is…

A Polygamist…A Prophet…10,000 Believers

A Polygamist…A Prophet…10,000 Believers

And, here I thought my tri-fecta of fuckedupness took the cake… I’m not a Mormon nor do I claim to even know 10% of that religion. All I’ve ever heard is they have their sealed marriage ceremonies, their secret handshakes and passwords. Sealed together for all time and eternity. Sounds bizarre to me. The closest…

4 kids…5 sports each…15 years of games…you do the math

4 kids…5 sports each…15 years of games…you do the math

Forty-five and I still get pimples.  Really?  I somehow escaped getting those in high school and college.  Occasionally, one would pop up on my face in my teens.  At which point, my friends had no problem announcing to everyone that I had a zit.  I can’t complain.  Nothing and I mean nothing is normal about…

America’s royalty is just as common as we are.  25% of us anyway.

America’s royalty is just as common as we are.  25% of us anyway.

Breathe…ok…scream… Then BREATHE The runway. The rain. The planes. 28th in line for take off. One departure every 3 minutes.  The armrest.  Who makes the rules on shared armrest?  Who died so that you could inherit that damn thing for the entire flight? Ok…let’s do the math here.   That’s an hour and half sitting on…